Ron DeSantis slammed this government-run school district for punishing American families

Aug 12, 2024

Woke school districts are at it again.

And their latest power grab will leave you furious. 

But Ron DeSantis slammed a government-run school district for punishing American families and dropped an epic comeback. 

Tax-and-spend liberals are out-of-control

Big-government liberals are all the same.

They love to tax their way out of common problems, forcing the American people to foot their latest pet projects.

Radical Democrats know the only way they can accomplish their agenda is to steal money from hard-working families and “redistribute it” for their own purpose.

From the local level all the way to the White House, it is the same playbook. 

Instead of cutting spending and balancing the budget Democrats spend like madmen and kick the can down the road to future generations.

But in Florida, Ron DeSantis is determined to stand up for Floridians.

Taxed enough already

The Hillsborough County School District insists they do not have enough money to pay teachers.

Apparently, that is everyone else’s problem, not their own.

And instead of adjusting their budget (like every other responsible party would do) the school district wants to force the Hillsborough County Commission to put a referendum on the ballot begging voters to approve a property tax increase.

As if Americans are not struggling already!?

At stake is the school district’s ability to ask voters to approve a special tax that would increase their property taxes more than $150 million, for employee bonuses. 

DeSantis was not having it and fired off a resounding disapproval and said, “You do not need to raise anybody’s taxes,” reported Fox 13. 

He continued “Why are you trying to raise property taxes in the midst of some of the worst inflation we’ve seen in the modern history of this country?”

But out-of-touch liberals do not care about struggling families.

They do not care some families are forced to choose between feeding their own families or buying school supplies.

Liberals think the only way to solve problems is to raise taxes.

DeSantis vehemently disagrees.

The Florida model works, and liberals can’t stand it

At the state level, DeSantis is not raising taxes.

In fact, he is reducing them, letting Floridians keep more of their hard-earned money.

“How come we’re not raising taxes at the state level? How come we’re cutting taxes?” DeSantis added.

In Florida he has proved repeatedly that cutting taxes works, and a balanced budget is possible.

Criticizing woke government school bureaucrats, DeSantis challenged them and said “Why don’t you manage things better rather than trying to come and jack up people’s taxes? It’s just not the right thing to do,” Fox 13 reported.

But Democrats do not care about doing the right thing.

All they care about is ramming through their woke agendas and demanding everyone else pay for it.

That might work in other states.

But in Florida, DeSantis continues to hold local schools accountable.

And he will not hesitate to publicly call them out when they cross the line.

DeSantis Daily will keep you up-to-date on any new developments in this ongoing story.

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