A Pentagon official had one sick plan for the troops that had Ron DeSantis raising hell

Sep 20, 2024

The military is being used as an experiment by the Biden-Harris administration.

Soldiers are going to be subjected to the unimaginable. 

And a Pentagon official had one sick plan for the troops that had Ron DeSantis raising hell. 

The Defense Department wants the troops to eat fake meat 

The Biden-Harris administration has made reducing greenhouse gasses by the federal government to fight climate change a top priority. 

Even the military is being subjected to this scheme. 

The Department of Defense wants to change how the country feeds its soldiers.

Agriculture is considered by the Left to be one of the biggest sources of greenhouse gas emissions in the world. 

Globalists at the United Nations are demanding that Americans eat less meat to reduce emissions. 

The Biden-Harris administration is happy to oblige. 

Pentagon officials gave a $1.5 million taxpayer-funded grant to The Better Meat Company to develop fake meat for the troops. 

Biotech companies are trying to create lab-grown meat from the cells of animals or other organisms to replace real meat. 

Fake meat allegedly has fewer carbon emissions and is more humane than the alternative. 

The Pentagon grant will help Better Meat create a “bioproduction facility for mycoprotein ingredients that are shelf-stable, have high protein and fiber contents, and can be dehydrated.”

Better Meat ferments fungi to create a sludge that is eventually turned into alleged replicas of steak, chicken, crab, fish, and hamburger. 

The company is also working on a hybrid project with alleged animal content. 

Frankenfood does not fly in Florida 

Defense Department officials told The Daily Wire the grant “is in support of a bioproduction facility for types of protein that are shelf-stable, have high protein and fiber content, and can rapidly support the sustainment requirements of our globally-deployed forces.”

In June, the Defense Department announced plans to feed soldiers fake meat because fighting climate change is a pressing national security issue. 

The Better Meat Company is promising to do just that. 

“We believe the future of meat production is fermentation-fueled,” Better Meat said. “We aspire to revolutionize the meat industry by creating a new and better way to make meat.”

There are still serious questions about the safety of these fake meats. 

A study found that they can cause people to break out in hives and cause swelling. 

Better Meat CEO Paul Shapiro is a Democrat donor who’s given to former New York City Mayor Bill De Blasio and Representative Jamie Raskin (D-MD).

Fake meat is dead on arrival in the Sunshine State. 

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, a former Naval officer, signed a bill into law to ban the sale and distribution of fake meat created from animal cells earlier this year. 

“You need meat, OK. And we’re going to have meat in Florida,” DeSantis said in February. “We’re not going to have fake meat. Like that doesn’t work.”

Florida is standing strong against the climate change lobby’s attempts to force Americans to eat Frankenfoods. 

DeSantis Daily will keep you up-to-date on any new developments in this ongoing story.

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