Clarence Thomas got one scary message about this dark future under Kamala Harris

Oct 4, 2024

The courts are the last line of defense against the lawless Biden-Harris administration. 

One legal battle will shape the country’s future. 

And Clarence Thomas got one scary message about this dark future under Kamala Harris. 

Biden-Harris EPA rule poised to wipe electricity generated by fossil fuels 

The Biden-Harris administration has made forcing the country to transition to green energy its top political priority. 

Congress is a roadblock to some of the most extreme proposals by the administration, so they have turned to the regulatory process to bypass lawmakers. 

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued a strict new rule in April for existing coal-fired power plants and new natural gas plants.

These plants would have to reduce their carbon emissions by 90% with expensive and unproven carbon capture technology.

Coal-fired power plants would have to have this technology installed by 2032 or face closure from EPA regulators. 

The Biden-Harris administration set a goal of having 100% of electricity generated by green energy by 2035. 

 Putting an expensive and unworkable regulation on coal-fired plants is designed to force power companies to close them to transition to green energy. 

That is why 25 Republican state attorneys general led by West Virginia sued the EPA over the rule. 

Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, and Wyoming. 

The lawsuit charges that the EPA exceeded its authority to make the rule without the approval of Congress. 

Supreme Court warned of a terrible future from Biden-Harris EPA rule 

The Midcontinent Independent Systems Operator (MISO), an electrical grid operator for the Midwest and the South, filed a friend of the court brief with the Supreme Court warning of doom under the EPA’s rule on carbon capture. 

Always On Energy Research, team researchers Isaac Orr and Mitch Rolling performed a study for MISO about the impact of the EPA’s rule on their electrical grid. 

They found the EPA wildly overstated the ability of wind and solar to generate electricity. 

Because these green energy sources are subject to the whims of nature, they’re not reliable sources of power. 

The EPA’s rule could cause blackouts that would last for days. 

MISO’s brief with the Supreme Court cites these same problems. 

It argues that power companies do not have enough time to comply with the rule and that it would force coal-fired power plants to be shuttered without a reliable replacement for them. 

“It would be absolutely devastating for the grid,” Rolling told Just the News.

He explained that eliminating coal and natural gas plants would leave the electrical grid in peril. 

But many engineers and experts are afraid to speak about the problems in the face of the powerful green energy lobby. 

“So they don’t say things out in the open, that maybe they should,” Rolling said.

Region grid operators like MISO take the policy given to them and run with it. 

They usually do not speak about rules that could affect them. 

“At a certain point, you can’t be policy takers,” Rolling explained. “You have to get in the mix of policy. These are the people that know this best. They know their regions the best. They know what their system needs to maintain reliability, and the EPA should listen to them.”

The Supreme Court will have an opportunity to smack down an EPA rule that would devastate the country. 

DeSantis Daily will keep you up-to-date on any new developments in this ongoing story.

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