Ron DeSantis’ latest move proves he is cold-dead serious about getting illegal aliens out of America

Feb 4, 2025

Under Joe Biden, Democrats allowed illegals to flood across the border.

But Ron DeSantis is joining forces with President Trump to put an end to it once and for all.

And DeSantis’ latest move proves he is cold-dead serious about getting illegal aliens out of America. 

If you’re illegal – you’re a criminal 

The Trump administration has made one thing crystal clear, those who are here illegally have broken the law and will be deported.

Illegal aliens have ravaged through American neighborhoods raping and killing women.

And Donald Trump has had enough.

Ron DeSantis has long been tough on illegal aliens, refusing to allow Florida to be a sanctuary state for illegals.

And now, he is committed to carrying out President Trump’s agenda but he faces one major problem.

Florida Republicans go soft

A special session was called in the Florida legislature to quickly ensure Florida could help back Trump’s large-scale agenda to rid America of illegals.

But Florida politicians did not want to meet and thought it was too “early” and “premature.”

Despite their protest, they gaveled in and leadership put forward an immigration proposal.

But instead of having real teeth, it had weak language and even went so far as to strip immigration enforcement from DeSantis and give it to the Commissioner of Agriculture. 

Thinking they could outsmart DeSantis; Florida politicians named the legislation “The Trump Act.”

In an interview with Laura Ingraham, DeSantis called out their antics and dirty tricks.

“They think by putting the name of a strong president on a weak bill that somehow that is going to pull the wool over the eyes,” DeSantis said.


Republicans run that they are “tough on immigration” to get the votes, but when the rubber meets the road, they cave.

But DeSantis refused to let them off the hook.

“This is our moment, the voters sent us here to do this, we’ve got to be strong, we cannot let these guys squish out on this issue,” continued DeSantis.

Ron DeSantis fires off a warning to Florida politicians

DeSantis was quick to call out weak-kneed Florida politicians in his own Party.

While some Governors would cave, DeSantis refused.

In a scathing post, DeSantis threatened to veto the bill.

“We must have the strongest law in the nation on immigration enforcement. We cannot be weak.”

“That is what the people expect and what the people have voted for in recent elections, culminating in the mandate earned by President Trump to enact the largest deportation program in history,” DeSantis posted on X.

And he is exactly right.

Donald Trump was elected to carry out the mandate to deport illegal aliens and he needs the support of states like Florida to help make it happen.

“The bill that narrowly passed the Florida legislature last night fails to honor our promises to voters, fails to meet the moment, and would actually weaken state immigration enforcement.”

“The removal of illegal aliens residing in our state requires strong legislation that will guarantee state and local deportation assistance, end catch and release, eliminate magnets such as remittances, and adopt supporting policies that will protect Floridians from the scourge of illegal immigration,” DeSantis wrote on X.

Leave it to weak-kneed Republicans to water down a solid plan.

They might have thought they won, but DeSantis refuses to waste a historic moment to help President Trump enact his mandate. 

“The veto pen is ready,” DeSantis concluded. 

One thing is certain, Ron DeSantis refuses to cower to anyone, and he will do whatever it takes to keep his promise to Florida voters.

DeSantis Daily will keep you up-to-date on any developments to this ongoing story.

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