A DeSantis official dismantled the media for this awful hoax about Florida

Jun 18, 2024

The media is constantly trying to pick a fight with Ron DeSantis.

It never seems to end up playing out like they planned.

And a DeSantis official dismantled the media for this awful hoax about Florida.

Ron DeSantis attacked by the media over illegal immigration

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has faced constant attacks from the media since taking office.

The Democrats masquerading as journalists at The Miami Herald have emerged as his biggest critics in Florida’s media.

DeSantis was targeted with a hit piece dubbed a “reality check” that attacked him for preparing to deal with a potential influx of illegal aliens from Haiti.

The Herald article was titled, “DeSantis spends millions on Florida Keys base preparing for migrant surge that hasn’t come.”

He was criticized for spending $20 million to build a temporary base in Plantation Key as part of a border security operation against illegal immigration from the Caribbean Sea.

Haiti has been on the brink this year from rising gang violence after the country’s acting Prime Minister resigned.

The country is teetering on the verge of collapse as heavily armed gangs have seized control over most of the capital city of Port-au-Prince from the transitional government.

A United Nations report from last month called the situation on the ground in Haiti as “cataclysmic.”

Fear spread that the violence in Haiti could spark a mass migration of the country’s residents trying to come to Florida by boat.

DeSantis official schools clueless journalist

No major influx of illegal immigration from Haiti or the Caribbean has happened yet despite fears over the political turmoil in the Caribbean nation.

“We have not seen a large uptick in vessels coming from Haiti which we are on guard against,” DeSantis said in April. “We have a lot of flotillas out there deterring that from happening and I think it has been successful so far.”

The Herald tried to portray DeSantis efforts as a waste of taxpayer money.

But members of the Florida Governor’s team had a field day on social media about the paper’s story. 

DeSantis communications director Bryan Griffin mocked the paper for missing the point of DeSantis’ effort in the Florida Keys.

“The [Miami Herald] is today introduced to the concepts of deterrence and proactive leadership,” Griffin wrote on X.

DeSantis press secretary Jeremy Redfern sarcastically joked, “You mean deterrence is working?!?!? Remarkable.”

And DeSantis official Christina Pushaw came up with an alternate headline for the article.

“Governor DeSantis’ deterrent policies are working as intended, to protect Florida from illegal immigration,” Pushaw wrote. 

She also compared it to having hurricane-proof windows.

“I spent money on windows that are made to withstand hurricanes, but the hurricane hasn’t come yet. Should I ask for my money back?” Pushaw said.

DeSantis was proactive about preventing an illegal immigration crisis from coming to the shores of Florida.

“No state has done more to supplement the (under-resourced) U.S. Coast Guard’s interdiction efforts; we cannot have illegal aliens coming to Florida,” DeSantis said in March.

Florida sent a strong message to would-be illegal aliens and was able to deter them from trying to come.

DeSantis Daily will keep you up-to-date on any new developments in this ongoing story.

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