Fraternity life has changed a great deal since the days of Animal House.
Colleges have adopted a zero-tolerance policy to their hijinks.
And a Florida fraternity was in hot water after this scary hazing incident was exposed.
Fraternity accused of hazing pledges by hitting them with cars
Fraternities hazing their pledges during initiation has faced greater scrutiny in recent years from colleges and universities.
High-profile incidents of pledges being injured or killed across the country resulted in many schools adopting zero-tolerance policies for fraternities.
Two fraternities at the University of Central Florida were suspended after reports of “dangerous and degrading” hazing.
Sigma Chi and Delta Upsilon are accused of taking pledging activities way too far by the college.
Cops were called to the Sigma Chi house after an incident was reported at 3:00 am.
A sister with the Kappa Alpha Theta sorority witnessed events after she heard yelling when someone was struck with a gray Kia outside the Sigma Chi house.
She saw the car moving about 10 to 15 miles per hour when it hit a young man she thought was a pledge.
The Kappa Alpha Theta member heard someone yelling for help after they were struck by the car.
“Sigma Chi brothers had allegedly forced new members to stand in front of cars while members of the organization hit them with cars,” a detective claimed.
The police pulled over the gray Kia which had three Sigma Chi brothers in it.
They denied any wrongdoing to the police.
Police could not find the pledge who was suspected of being hit by the Kia.
Central Florida fraternity has had numerous run-ins with the college
Sigma Chi has been suspended by the University of Central Florida eight times between 2005 and 2020.
The fraternity said that it would cooperate with the school’s investigation and denied any wrongdoing.
Sigma Chi was suspended four times in 2019 including for allegedly blindfolding a pledge and forcing him to do cocaine.
A statement from the University of Central Florida said that Sigma Chi and Delta Upsilon are suspended by the college and their national chapters while they are under investigation by the police for “felony hazing” that posed “a risk of injury or death.”
“UCF unequivocally condemns hazing in all forms, and we are committed to holding individuals and organizations accountable for actions that threaten the safety and well-being of our students and others,” University of Central Florida Assistant Vice President of Strategic Initiatives and Communications Courtney Gilmartin told WKMG.
The fraternities are banned from all activities on and off campus during their suspension.
Criminal charges or disciplinary actions have not been announced yet for the hazing incidents.
“Based on facts gathered by police as part of their investigations, the university will follow processes for individual and organizational conduct violations as outlined in the Golden Rule Student Handbook,” University of Central Florida officials stated.
Fraternities across the country are facing a crackdown because of the out-of-control behavior of a few chapters.
The days of Greek life on many campuses could be ending as more schools take zero-tolerance approaches.
DeSantis Daily will keep you up-to-date on any new developments in this ongoing story.