A gold smuggling female flight attendant was busted after sticking an item where the sun don’t shine

Jun 11, 2024

A female flight attendant thought she found the perfect hiding spot to stick her illegal contraband.

Except she was wrong, and suffered extreme humiliation when she was exposed. 

And just wait until you hear the story of a gold smuggling female flight attendant who was busted sticking an item where the sun don’t shine.

Internally hiding a kilogram of gold 

Surabhi Khatun, a 26-year-old, worked as a flight attendant for Air India Express.

As a flight attendant, she thought she knew how to work the system, but boy did she have a brutal reality check.

In more ways than one.

It appears Khatun thought she was untouchable.

So, she did something no one ever expected.

At least she hoped that would be the case.

But she miscalculated her ability to carry out her crime undetected.

As it turns out, India’s Directorate of Revenue Intelligence (DRI) was onto Khatun, and they knew she was up to no good.

And in a massive sting operation to lock up the bad guys, Khatun was targeted as a suspicious gold smuggler.

It turns out the authorities got the right target. 

Khatun thought she could smuggle gold and hide it in a place the authorities would never dare to check.

But then she was humiliated when they left no area of her body unsearched and found the gold.

Paddle Your Own Kanoo reported Khatun was arrested after authorities performed a thorough search and found she stashed almost 960g of gold in her rectum.

News outlets reported the gold was in “compound form” which allowed her to stash a large amount.

Thankfully, they spared the other dirty details. 

Exposed for the world to see

Khatun thought her flight attendant position made her above the law.

And now the entire world has seen a photograph of the cocky flight attendant female arrested for trying to be too slick.

But it turns out this was not Khatun’s first rodeo.

The New Indian Express reported DRI sources suspected Khatun may have been involved in past gold smuggling operations.

Dirty crooks always think if they get away with a crime once they can do it again.

But Khatun’s arrest proves yet again no one is above the law, and all criminals will eventually get caught.

A hot place for smugglers

Paddle Your Own Kanoo reports India is the second-largest consumer of gold worldwide.

Nasty high import taxes coupled with an insane demand for cheap gold from locals are a gold smugglers dream which is why the gold smugglin’ business is so popular in India.

One female crook locked up will not stop the entire underground operation but it might cause other young females to think twice about where they hide their gold. 

DeSantis Daily will keep you up-to-date on any new developments in this ongoing story.

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