A woke Democrat mayor waived the white flag of surrender in this fight with Ron DeSantis

Jul 25, 2024

Ron DeSantis has a strong record of victories against the woke outrage mob.

Now he has added another one to his growing collection. 

And a woke Democrat mayor waived the white flag of surrender in this fight with Ron DeSantis.

Chicago mayor tries to remove a statute of George Washington

The fight over Confederate Statutes was one battle in a much wider war to erase America’s history by the Left.

Former President Donald Trump said in 2017 that the Left would eventually come for statues of the Founding Fathers.

 “So, this week it’s Robert E. Lee. I noticed that Stonewall Jackson’s coming down,” Trump said. “I wonder, is it George Washington next week? And is it Thomas Jefferson the week after? You know, you really do have to ask yourself, where does it stop? … [Jefferson] was a major slave owner. Are we going to take down his statue?”

Trump was proven to be prophetic when Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson (D), a former teachers union hack, announced that the George Washington statue from Chicago City Hall would be removed.

Johnson’s communication director Ronnie Reese claimed the decision had nothing to do with Washington being a slave owner.

“We’re just freshening up the space,” Reese told the Chicago Sun-Times. “Making it a bit more current. There’s a lot of Chicago icons who would be deserving of statues as well. We should be considering that also — Ida B. Wells, DuSable, Harold Washington.”

Chicago removed two statues of Christopher Columbus during the Black Lives Matter riots in the summer of 2020 for being problematic.

A commission set by the city to review the public statutes in Chicago found that 41 could potentially be problematic including one of Abraham Lincoln.

Chicago backs down after backlash pours in over removing George Washington

The Windy City was slammed for its decision to tear down its statue of George Washington.

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis blasted Chicago for its historical ignorance on social media.

“Leftism run amok. George Washington is our greatest American,” DeSantis said. The revolution would not have been won, the republic would not have been founded, and the Constitution would not have been created without Washington.”

“It was his character — defined by service above self and a willingness to refuse power — that held it all together,” DeSantis continued. We should be building more statues of Washington, not tearing them down.”

Mayor Johnson backed off the idea of removing the George Washington statue after the backlash the city received.

“It’s not lost that we do have to have some real recognition to how certain symbols and presentations are not being completely told, but my big mission to make sure we have safe communities,” Johnson said.

The battle might have been won in Chicago but the fight over America’s history will continue.

Nothing is sacred or off limits from the Left’s attempt to erase and revise the country’s history as part of their political agenda.

DeSantis Daily will keep you up-to-date on any developments to this ongoing story.


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