A woman was horrified to pull down her pants and find an uninvited guest

May 24, 2024

A young Florida woman got dressed just like any other day.

But then she realized something felt very “off.”

And when she pulled down her pants, nothing prepared her for what she would discover next.

What is crawling?

When most people get dressed in the morning, they do not give it a second thought.

It is muscle memory to put on pants and a shirt and go about one’s day. 

But for TikToker @uss_andrea, she received the surprise of her life.

Upon getting dressed, she realized something was “poking” her.

She knew something was off.

The sharp feeling was disturbing, but she had no idea what it was.

But the woman was determined to figure out what the uncomfortable feeling was in her pants.

So, she pulled down her pants to investigate, but nothing prepared her for what she would see next.

The real uninvited guest

“I just took my pants off because I felt something sharp,” TikTok user @uss__andrea said.

She then realized it was a live lizard, inside her pants!


Apparently, the lizard had been crawling around in her pants for 10 minutes before she realized.

“I just want everyone to know I was wearing lizard pants for about 10 minutes before I noticed there was a problem,” she posted in her comments.

Only in Florida.

Thankfully, she has a sense of humor and can laugh about her experience. 

The TikTok user acknowledged that while it was uncomfortable to have a lizard crawling around in her pants, it could have been worse if a different animal had made its way into her pants and began crawling around.

When the video first posted to TikTok, more than 3.5 million people viewed her surreal experience, reported The New York Post.

While a strange experience, the comments brought things to a whole other level as other people shared their weird experiences with lizards.

A lizard in a baby’s diaper?

As TikTok users interacted with the post, many began to share their own experiences with lizards doing strange things.

Some commented on @uss_andrea’s experience and stated it was why they could “never live in Florida.” 

Another person commented “My friend’s baby was crying, and we didn’t know why. There was a lizard in her diaper,” The New York Post reported.


According to the Museum of Arts & Sciences, Florida is home to 15 different native lizard species and 34 exotic species!

While lizards are generally harmless to humans, they are still a bit creepy.

And while @uss_andrea had a pretty surreal experience, at least she did not find a snake in her pants!

If she had, the ending could have been much different.

DeSantis Daily will keep you up-to-date on any new developments in this ongoing story.

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