All hell broke loose during a road rage attack that caught one bizarre act on camera

Mar 21, 2025

Road rage used to entail tailgating and laying on the horn.

But today’s road rage often includes hostility and insane violence.

And all hell broke loose during a road rage attack that caught one bizarre act on camera. 

Uncontrolled rage and emotion 

Driving can be a stressful experience.

Especially for people who do not know how to regulate their own emotions, or control their anger.

For most people, riding behind a bad driver is annoying.

And while typical folks either blurt out a few not-so-nice words in their own car or even beep the horn a time or two most people do not let bad drivers affect them.

But then there are guys like Floridian Leonard Cako who let his own road rage get the best of him.

Apparently Cako was irritated with a fellow driver. 

So, at a red light intersection, he got out of his car holding a baseball bat to approach the other driver.

Uh oh.

Not a good sign.

As it turned out, the other driver was an elderly man.

When the elderly driver saw Cako approaching his car full of rage holding a baseball bat he reached for the only weapon he had.

And then in a bizarre move, he fired it in Cako’s face. 

A flare gun and a baseball bat

The elderly man did not have a gun loaded with bullets.

Instead, all he had was a flare gun.

As Cako reached into the old man’s car, he quickly responded and fired the flare gun directly at Cako hoping to deter him or get him to leave.

But it did not work out as planned.

Instead, Cako stepped back with his bat, and began violently bashing the old man’s vehicle, NBC Miami reported.

A shocking cellphone video captured the entire incident between the two men and showed Cako smashing the vehicle and even breaking the back windshield.

What a lunatic!

Thankfully, the old man was able to speed off before Cako beat him with that bat.

Police agreed that Cako was the aggressor and arrested him, NBC Miami reported.

Anger on the roads 

Heated road rage exchanges are not new in Florida.

In one incident, a 48-year-old woman was shot dead on her own birthday in a road rage incident gone wrong.


In broad daylight!

It is no wonder many people let angry drivers speed ahead and let them do their thing and not poke the bear.

Going head-to-head with an unstable driver simply is not worth it.

Thankfully, Cako did not have a gun when he approached the old man or things could have turned deadly if he did.

Road ragin’ lunatics need serious anger management classes, as no frustrating driver is worth losing it and killing another person or destroying their personal property. 

Check out the insane encounter of what happens when a flare gun meets a baseball bat below.


DeSantis Daily will keep you up-to-date on any developments to this ongoing story.

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