Casey DeSantis is going to war to fight this scary situation facing Floridians

Jun 13, 2024

Florida First Lady Casey DeSantis has a bold conservative vision for the Sunshine State. 

She is leading the charge to transform how Florida’s government operates. 

Now Casey DeSantis is going to war to fight this scary situation facing Floridians.

Florida is trying to break the welfare dependency cycle 

Federal and state governments have spent trillions of dollars on welfare since the modern system was created in the 1960s.

But like every big government program there is little to show for it after spending a fortune.

Florida First Lady Casey DeSantis has been spearheading a program to change the way the state helps residents in need.

She helped launch Hope Florida in 2021 to change the way the Sunshine State approaches welfare.

Florida is trying to help residents become self-sufficient and get the help they need in a faster and more responsive manner.

Hope Florida connects needy residents with charities, faith-based institutions, nonprofits, businesses, and others to get the help they need.

The CarePortal program organizes all these providers under one roof where Hope Navigators connect residents with the resources they need.

“After decades of failure, it’s time to try a community-based approach, in which government plays a role but is not the only solution,” Casey wrote in the Wall Street Journal.” In Florida, instead of over relying on government, we’re organizing the generosity and goodness of neighbors to help one another.”

The results have been remarkable so far.

Hope Florida has helped over 100,000 Floridians since it was launched.

And its helped tens of thousands of needy residents get off government assistance programs and get back on their feet.

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis estimated that Hope Florida could save taxpayers one billion dollars over the next decade.

Law enforcement is getting involved with Hope Florida 

Police are often the first ones to interact with a person in crisis or need.

Whether that is a woman getting out of a domestic violence situation or a teenager in crisis.

Casey DeSantis announced that Florida law enforcement is going to receive training about connecting citizens with Hope Navigators so they can get help through Hope Florida.

She met with over 100 police chiefs, sheriffs, and law enforcement leaders to announce the new program.

“Florida law enforcement work tirelessly to protect Floridians,” DeSantis said. “Today, we are equipping them with resources to do even more good by referring those in need to Hope Florida.”

The Florida Highway Patrol, county sheriff’s offices, and local law enforcement will be participating in the training.

Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles Executive Director Dave Kerner said that helping comes naturally to members of law enforcement.

“A common denominator among many who answered the call to become a law enforcement officer is a strong desire to help people,” Kerner said. “We at the Florida Highway Patrol are honored to work directly with First Lady Casey DeSantis, through Hope Florida, to amplify our community and faith institutions and uplift those in need.”

“Through the distribution of the Hope Florida resource cards, law enforcement officers across the state will have the ability to bridge this gap by connecting those in need of hope to resources through the help of Hope Navigators,” Kerner added.

Florida is transforming the way its residents get the help they need to get back on their feet.

And that will change lives and save taxpayers money in the process.

DeSantis Daily will keep you up-to-date on any new developments in this ongoing story.

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