DeSantis unleashed his secret weapon to stop the abortion lobby dead in their tracks

Jun 25, 2024

President Joe Biden and his sidekick Kamala Harris are gunning for Pro-Lifers.

And they never expected Ron DeSantis to still be in their way. 

But now DeSantis just unleashed his secret weapon to stop the abortion lobby dead in their tracks and leftists are terrified.

Protecting real freedom

The abortion lobby continues to insist “freedom” includes the right to kill a baby.

But it does not.

True American principles involve fighting to protect the life and liberty of every human being, including the unborn. 

Leftist politicians are practically tripping over themselves to introduce radical abortion policies that will allow the slaying of unborn lives without mercy.

Even more horrifying, they are in bed with the abortion lobby to ram through pro-abortion ballot measures.

But not on Ron DeSantis’ watch.

DeSantis launched a ‘Freedom Fund’

The Left may have felt relieved when DeSantis was out of the Presidential race but he is far from gone.

In Florida, DeSantis continues to govern like a real conservative to fight back against the woke machine.

And while the abortion lobby hopes they can bury his life-saving Heartbeat Act with a ballot amendment, DeSantis announced his plan to fight back.

The anti-life Left was furious once they found out DeSantis launched a new political committee called the Florida Freedom Fund to combat their radical pro-abortion agenda.

He just will not go away! 

And they hate it.

They know DeSantis is well-liked and smart.

And his plan to fight back against the pro-abortion ballot amendment just might work.

Taryan Fenske, a spokesperson for DeSantis hinted that not only would the new committee fight to protect life but that it would push back against leftists at every level.

Fenske said, “As Gov. Ron DeSantis continues to lead our great state, the Florida Freedom Fund will be championing issues and candidates committed to preserving Floridians’ freedom,” reported Politico.

Freedom is popular, and Floridians love their freedom. 

“From up and down ballot races to critical amendments, we’re steadfast in our mission to keep Florida free,” Fenske continued.

Democrats do not want freedom.

Instead, they demand blind submission and unilateral authority.

But American heroes have fought back against tyranny before, and they will do it again at the ballot box in November.

America is not “free” when it slaughters innocent babies and deprives them of the right to life.

“Freedom” is not found when government school bureaucrats indoctrinate children into believing they are inherently racist because of the color of their skin.

President Joe Biden may be in charge right now, but DeSantis is not going away.

Not only is he working to keep Florida free, but he has also vowed to help raise money to help Donald Trump regain control of the White House.

A political tsunami is coming this November.

If the radical Left is not voted out of office this election cycle America will be destroyed from the inside and headed down a path of no return. 

DeSantis Daily will keep you up-to-date on any new developments in this ongoing story.

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