Fox News viewers were terrified by what Ron DeSantis told Sean Hannity about Joe Biden’s border crisis

Jul 1, 2024

Record breaking numbers of illegal aliens are pouring across America’s wide-open southern border daily.

Some of the more than eight million illegal aliens who have entered the country since Joe Biden took office are on the terrorist watch list.

And Fox News viewers were terrified by what Ron DeSantis told Sean Hannity about Joe Biden’s border crisis.

Joe Biden went to work implementing his open borders agenda on Day One of his Presidency.

Biden ended construction on the border wall, repealed the Remain in Mexico protocols, and brought back the dangerous practice of catch and release.

As a result, record numbers of illegal aliens have crossed the border into America in the past three years.

Border Patrol agents apprehended more than 170,000 illegal aliens in May alone.

Americans have already been harmed or murdered by illegal aliens who were released by Biden’s Department of Homeland Security.

“A pair of illegal aliens — now accused of murdering 12-year-old Jocelyn Nungaray in Houston, Texas — were released into the United States by President Joe Biden’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS) after they crossed the southern border,” Breitbart reported.

Border Patrol agents have already arrested more than 13,700 illegal aliens with criminal convictions this year.

But it is not just dangerous and violent criminals who are sneaking across the border.

It is also terrorists.

Since the start of Fiscal Year 2021, nearly 400 individuals on the Terrorist Watch List have been apprehended at the border trying to enter the country.

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has been sounding the alarm about the dangerous threat Biden’s open borders agenda poses to America.

“You have an administration who won’t faithfully execute the law,” DeSantis recently said at an infrastructure event. “I was asked last night: ‘You’ve had 10, 11 million come in illegally since 2019 – what are the odds that there will end up being a terrorist attack as a result?’” DeSantis continued, before adding that “I think there will be.”

“How could you have that many people and not have some people that are hostile?” DeSantis asked. “And when you talk about 10 million, you’re saying if only, like, 0.1% are bad that’s going to cause havoc.”

DeSantis repeated his concerns during an interview with Sean Hannity on Monday.

DeSantis told Fox News viewers that it was “inevitable there will be a terrorist attack linked to people who crossed the border during Biden’s Presidency.” 

Unfortunately, Ron DeSantis is right.

Joe Biden’s open borders agenda threatens the safety and security of every man, woman, and child in America.

And it is past time for Biden and the Democrats to get serious about border security.

DeSantis Daily will keep you up-to-date on any new developments in this ongoing story.

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