Jeff Bezos is itching for a fight with Ron DeSantis after this shocking decision

Jun 17, 2024

Amazon founder Jeff Bezos relocated from Seattle to Florida.

Now his globalist agenda has him on a collision course with state law.

And Jeff Bezos is itching for a fight with Ron DeSantis after this shocking decision.

Jeff Bezos pours $100 million into developing fake meat

Amazon founder Jeff Bezos left Seattle, Washington, where the online retailer he founded is based, to move to the Miami, Florida area last year.

He moved to the exclusive island of Indian Creek nicknamed “Billionaire Bunker.”

A capital gains tax on the sale of stocks and bonds passed by Washington State Legislators targeting him was reportedly behind his decision to decamp to Florida.

Bezos did not leave his globalist agenda behind when he moved to the Sunshine State.

His charity announced a massive investment in the development of fake meat.

The Bezos Earth Fund has invested $100 million in developing alternative proteins to fight climate change.

North Carolina State University was awarded $30 million to create a research hub for fake meat.

Bezos Earth Fund CEO and President Andrew Steer stressed the importance of fake meat in reducing emissions.

“Food production is the second largest source of greenhouse gas emissions, so it’s critical we find ways to feed a growing population without degrading the planet,” Steer said. “Sustainable protein has tremendous potential but more research is needed to reduce the price and boost the flavor and texture to ensure nutritious, affordable products are available. It’s about choice.”

A push is underway to create fake meat that is grown in a lab from the cells of animals.

Globalists said it is needed to replace livestock because of their greenhouse gas emissions.

The United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organization, headed by a Chinese agriculture official, released a report last year demanding that wealthy countries like the United States reduce their meat consumption to fight climate change.

Bezos’ charities have committed $1 billion to transforming agriculture to reduce emissions.

That’s putting him in conflict with the law in his new state.

Ron DeSantis bans fake meat

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis signed a bill into law this year that made the Sunshine State the first in the country to ban fake meat.

The sale, distribution, and production of fake meat in Florida is now a crime.

“I know the Legislature is doing a bill to try to protect our meat,” DeSantis said in February. “You need meat, OK. And we’re going to have meat in Florida. We’re not going to have fake meat. Like that doesn’t work.”

Fake meat is not sold anywhere in the country yet but the Biden administration gave the greenlight to two companies to begin development.

A rush is underway by Bezos and others to get this Frankenfood off the ground.

Once fake meat becomes available for mass consumption, that sets the stage to ban real meat to combat climate change.

DeSantis accused the World Economic Forum of trying to force Americans to eat bugs and “petri dish meat” when he signed the bill banning fake meat.

The globalist agenda has meat in its crosshairs.

DeSantis Daily will keep you up-to-date on any new developments in this ongoing story.

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