Joe Biden blew a gasket when Florida handed him this crushing defeat in court

Jul 3, 2024

Joe Biden is running one of the most lawless administrations in history.

Now one flagrant attempt to violate the Constitution was stopped dead in its tracks.

And Joe Biden blew a gasket when Florida handed him this crushing defeat in court.

Joe Biden’s illegal student loan bailout program suffers legal setback

President Joe Biden has hemorrhaged support from young voters who were a key part of his political coalition in the 2020 Election.

His strategy to win their support is straight up buy them off with taxpayer money.

Biden launched a scheme to cancel student loan debt before the 2022 Midterm Elections using an emergency law passed after 9/11.

The Supreme Court shut that down as an illegal attempt to bypass Congress last year.

But that has not stopped Biden from finding other vehicles to illegally cancel student loan debt with the 2024 Election looming.

Biden has illegally canceled $170 billion in student loan debt in a transparent attempt to boost his standing with younger voters.

Two lawsuits from multiple Republican states dealt this illegal scheme a devastating blow in federal court.

Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey won an injunction in a Missouri federal court to stop Biden’s Education Department from zeroing out loans under the Saving on a Valuable Education (SAVE) repayment plan.

The SAVE plan allows student loan borrowers to have their payments reduced based on income.

Biden’s Education Department was using it to change their balances to zeros.

The scheme was expected to cost taxpayers $500 billion. 

In the lawsuit, Missouri was joined by Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, North Dakota, Ohio, and Oklahoma.

Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody (R) celebrated Biden’s illegal scheme getting smacked down. 

“A federal court just granted the State of Florida an injunction against Biden’s unlawful student loan forgiveness plan,” Moody said. “Working class Americans should not be paying for other peoples’ student loans, and Biden’s attempt to defy the Supreme Court was rightly rejected.”

Kansas celebrates second lawsuit blocking Biden’s student loan Cancellation

Kansas Attorney General Kris Kobach won a separate lawsuit in federal court arguing that the Biden administration did not have the authority granted by Congress to cancel the student loan debt.

He was joined by Republican Attorneys General from Alabama, Alaska, Idaho, Iowa, Louisiana, Montana, Nebraska, South Carolina, Texas, and Utah in the lawsuit.

Kansas District Judge Daniel Crabtree issued an injunction arguing that the states would likely succeed in having the program blocked because the Education Department did not have Congressional authority to cancel student loan debt.

“Kansas’s victory today is a victory for the entire country,” Kobach said in a statement. “As the court correctly held, whether to forgive billions of dollars of student debt is a major question that only Congress can answer. Biden’s administration is attempting to usurp Congress’s authority. This is not only unconstitutional, it’s unfair. Blue-collar Kansas workers who didn’t go to college shouldn’t have to pay off the student loans of New Yorkers with gender studies degrees.”

Biden will have to look elsewhere to shore up his support with younger voters after his desperate attempt failed.

DeSantis Daily will keep you up-to-date on any new developments in this ongoing story.

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