Judge Judy slammed leftist district attorneys with the most epic line ever

Jul 1, 2024

Judge Judy is not nobody’s fool.

And she is fed up with weak prosecutors who allow criminal thugs to roam free. 

Firing out a warning shot, Judge Judy slammed leftist district attorneys with the most epic line ever.

Crooked thugs are destroying America

Judge Judy has no patience for people who violate the law.

Bad guys always cry “poor me” and play the victim when they are the ones harming innocent people.

In Judge Judy’s world, there is no excuse for bad behavior. 

She does not care about the “bad upbringing” many criminals use as an excuse to rob people.

And she is over the “sad stories” lawbreakers tell, hoping to gain sympathy.

Weak-kneed prosecutors may take the bait and let crooks run free, but Judge Judy can see right through the games criminals play.

And with leftist cities allowing thugs to run wild, once vibrant American cities are now destroyed.

And Judge Judy is furious.

After actor Steve Buscemi was assaulted in broad daylight in New York City by a homeless man, Judge Judy had a few things to say.

“Oh, I know how we got here,” she told Fox Digital.

“We got here because a small group of people who have very loud voices created a scenario where bad people got rewarded. And the victim got punished by the system,” Judge Judy continued.

Liberal prosecutors with an agenda

Some prosecutors try and score points with leftists by failing to prosecute criminals.

But being “soft on crime” doesn’t work.


In major cities like San Francisco and New York City criminals do whatever they want, knowing they can get away with it.

While Ron DeSantis removed weak-kneed prosecutors from office for not doing their job in Florida, other Governors do nothing. 

At a press conference, DeSantis remarked “Prosecutors have a duty to faithfully enforce the law. One’s political agenda cannot trump this solemn duty, refusing to faithfully enforce the laws of Florida puts our communities in danger and victimizes innocent Floridians.”

Judge Judy has no patience for criminals and places the same blame on district attorneys for enabling bad behavior.

“When you have elected district attorneys who don’t know what their job is, they should go find another job,” Judge Judy told Fox News.

“Fill ice cream cones someplace. But don’t ruin cities,” she added.


Judge Judy is incredible.

She’s smart and savvy, and she tells it like it is.

Prosecutors are there to prosecute criminals.

It really is that simple.

By allowing bad guys to roam free the good guys keep getting robbed, or even killed.

Liberal prosecutors should take a page from Judge Judy’s playbook.

Or if they cannot take the heat from their job they should take Judge Judy’s advice and “fill ice cream cones” someplace. 

DeSantis Daily will keep you up-to-date on any new developments in this ongoing story.

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