Matt Gaetz is going to war with the establishment in one fight that could change everything

Jul 2, 2024

Matt Gaetz is trying to shake up the Republican Party in Washington, D.C.’s “Swamp.”

The conservative firebrand is ready for the biggest fight of his political life. 

Now Matt Gaetz is going to war with the establishment in one fight that could change everything. 

Matt Gaetz is trying to make House Republicans more like him

Former President Donald Trump took over the Republican Party during the 2016 Election cycle.

He took the GOP in a new direction from the 2000s that were dominated by figures like former President George W. Bush, and the late U.S. Senator John McCain (R-AZ).

Trump’s America First agenda was a repudiation of amnesty, war-mongering, bad trade deals, and the surrender to Democrats championed by the Republican establishment.

But the change that swept over the GOP under Trump did not extend to many of the elected Republicans serving in Washington, D.C.’s “Swamp.”

They give lip-service to supporting Trump and the America First agenda, but their votes in Congress do not reflect what they are saying.

House Republicans this year have folded in high profiles against President Joe Biden over border security, spending, and more money for the war in Ukraine.

These “Swampy” House Republicans are hiding behind their support for Trump to continue voting like U.S. Senator Mitt Romney (R-UT).

Representative Matt Gaetz (R-FL) has emerged as one of the fiercest fighters for Trump and the America First agenda in the House.

That is why he has become a top target for establishment figures like former Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy (R-CA).

Now Gaetz is on a mission to mold the House Republican caucus into his image.

Matt Gaetz wants more conservative fighters in the House

Gaetz cemented his reputation as a conservative fighter when he led the charge to oust McCarthy after he failed to uphold his promises on government spending bills.

This year he has been traveling the country to try and boost conservative candidates in House Republican Primaries.

“I’m trying to reshape the House in my image,” Gaetz told the Wall Street Journal

The conservative firebrand said he wants more House Republicans who will “end the wars, shut the border, reduce the spending” and fight for that agenda.

Gaetz has been willing to take on the fights that make that establishment squeamish.

He has led the charge to reduce federal spending, shut down the border, and stop spending American tax dollars on foreign wars.

That has led to heated fights with the establishment. 

“There’s a certain echelon of members for whom if the cocktail parties aren’t super convenient because we’re voting all night, (as I’ve caused a time or two), if the PAC donations aren’t running over the gunnels because we’ve taken a populist position on immigration or another important matter to our voters, then some don’t see the value proposition in Congress,” Gaetz told the Washington Examiner. “I’m quite alright with that.”

A battle is underway about the direction of the Republican agenda if Trump returns to the White House.

And Matt Gaetz is determined to push it in an America First direction.

DeSantis Daily will keep you up-to-date on any developments to this ongoing story.

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