Matt Gaetz is trying to hand Donald Trump one weapon that could turn 2024 upside down

Jun 26, 2024

Donald Trump is the most unconventional politician in American history. 

He just threw a wildcard on the table for the election that no one saw coming. 

Now Matt Gaetz is trying to hand Donald Trump one weapon that could turn 2024 upside down.

Matt Gaetz and Thomas Massie introduce to end tax on tips

Former President Donald Trump caught everyone off guard when he proposed ending the tax on tips for service workers during a campaign rally in Las Vegas, Nevada.

“So, this is the first time I’ve said this. And, for those hotel workers and people that get tips, you’re going to be very happy,” Trump said. “Because when I get to office, we are going to not charge taxes on tips — people making tips.”

Workers are required to report tips to their employers to be taxed if they earn more than $20 in a month. 

The idea spread like wildfire with Trump supporters sharing pictures on social media of restaurant receipts with the message, “No tax on tips, vote Trump!”

Now a pair of House Republicans are introducing a bill to make it happen.

Representatives Matt Gaetz (R-FL) and Thomas Massie (R-KY) are planning to introduce the Tax-Free Tips Act.

The bill would change tips from being classified as taxable income to being considered a gift.

“As the cost of living continues to rise, the hardworking men and women in the service industry, many of whom may be working a second job to make ends meet, must be allowed to keep every dollar of tip money they earn,” Gaetz said. “I am proud to join with Rep. Thomas Massie in co-leading this important tax-relief legislation.”

Thomas Massie praises Donald Trump and Ron Paul for the tax-free tips idea

Massie noted that former Representative Ron Paul (R-TX) proposed the idea of not taxing tips during his 2012 Presidential campaign.

“Ron Paul had it right and so does Donald Trump,” Massie said. “Taxing tips is regressive and goes against American tradition. But now digital payments allow the government to tax every transaction, even those that historically have not been taxed. With inflation raging, it only makes sense to eliminate the tax on tips and provide relief to working folks.”

Trump talked about how the idea came about during a meeting with Senate Republicans on Capitol Hill.

U.S. Senator Cynthia Lummis (R-WY) said the issue came up when Trump talked with a waitress.

“His story, — it was so much fun — [was] about the waitress that gave him the idea to not to tax tips. He got that idea when a waitress was serving him a meal and said to him, ‘You know, we just got these new rules that require us to go through a tremendous amount of record keeping to report our tips and the penalties are onerous.’”

“Well why are we even taxing tips?” Trump asked.

“It was an indication that he just really listens to working Americans and respects their opinions,” Lummis said.

Running the bill this year will get Democrats on the record, either voting against the working-class Americans they say they care about or passing it. 

DeSantis Daily will keep you up-to-date on any new developments in this ongoing story.

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