Media elites were fuming when Christina Pushaw blew the lid on their latest scheme to make Ron DeSantis look bad

Jun 5, 2024

The left-wing media has been trying to take down Florida Governor Ron DeSantis since the pandemic.

But their efforts are failing.

And media elites were fuming when Christina Pushaw blew the lid on their latest scheme to make Ron DeSantis look bad.

Ron DeSantis has fundamentally transformed the state of Florida during his time in the Governor’s Mansion.

Florida used to be one of the nation’s largest swing states, but it is now a solid red state thanks to DeSantis’ leadership.

During the pandemic, DeSantis garnered national attention for rejecting Biden’s lockdowns and mandates and implementing a pro-freedom agenda.

He became the first Governor to take on the Left’s woke ideology.

DeSantis removed Critical Race Theory from the curriculum, banned biological males from participating in women’s sports, and prohibited the teaching of gender and sex to young children.

He also expanded gun rights by signing Constitutional Carry into law and stood up for the sanctity of life by banning abortions after six weeks in Florida.

But one area where DeSantis implemented conservative reforms that does not get the attention it deserves is within the educational system.

Last March, DeSantis signed universal school choice legislation into law.

School choice allows parents to use state-funded vouchers to send their kids to private schools.

This prevents children from being trapped in failing government schools.

The school choice legislation signed by DeSantis removed the income caps and expanded vouchers to all students in the Sunshine State.

And nearly a half-a-million students applied for the school choice vouchers in its first year.

But the left-wing media refuses to report anything positive about Ron DeSantis.

And instead of just ignoring him, they are trying to paint his successful school choice program in a negative light.

POLITICO recently published an article titled “School choice programs have been wildly successful under DeSantis. Now public schools might close.”

“Gov. Ron DeSantis and Florida Republicans have spent years aggressively turning the state into a haven for school choice,” POLITICO reported. “They have been wildly successful, with tens of thousands more children enrolling in private or charter schools or homeschooling.”

But then the article turns negative by complaining about how some schools in Florida may have to close due to students opting for charter schools.

“Since 2019-20, when the pandemic upended education, some 53,000 students have left traditional public schools in these counties, a sizable total that is forcing school leaders to consider closing campuses that have been entrenched in local communities for years,” POLITICO reported. “In Broward County, Florida’s second-largest school district, officials have floated plans to close up to 42 campuses over the next few years, moves that would have a ripple effect across Fort Lauderdale and Hollywood.”

Team DeSantis member Christina Pushaw set the record straight in a post on X where she called-out the left-wing media.

“The media really struggles to find reasons to criticize @RonDeSantis,” Pushaw said. “Here is a story about something positive — Florida families have choices about where to send their children to school — that they worked overtime to twist into a negative.”

Communications Director Bryan Griffin also ripped the media for trying to smear DeSantis over school choice.

“Florida under @GovRonDeSantis is increasing private, charter, and alternative options, and parents are taking advantage of them,” he wrote. “Poor performing schools close, enrollment increases in other schools, and people have even more choice and freedom in education,” he continued. “Plus, FL has made it easy for a failing public school to convert to charter. Public will always be there, but now they have to actually perform well.”

Griffin added that “education should be like anything: good products flourish and bad products get replaced.”

“Some public schools have been rife with bad decision making from administrators, like putting politics over actual learning,” he argued. “Students shouldn’t be stuck in a failing public school just for the sake of keeping it open. Some school unions or leftists who want to indoctrinate kids might have a different agenda, but thankfully, they don’t win or call the shots in Florida.”

DeSantis Daily will keep you up-to-date on any new developments in this ongoing story.

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