Ron and Casey DeSantis made a big announcement that left everyone asking this question

May 17, 2024

Ron and Casey DeSantis are the power couple of Florida politics.

But his run as Florida Governor is set to end after the 2026 Election.

And Ron and Casey DeSantis made a big announcement that left everyone asking this question.

Ron and Casey DeSantis highlight the success of the Florida Hope program

Florida First Lady Casey DeSantis is spearheading a revolutionary program to break the cycle of government welfare dependence.

She helped launch the Florida Hope program in 2022 to use the power of the private sector to help Floridians in need.

The program uses Hope Navigators to connect people with resources available from charities and faith-based institutions.

“In Florida, instead of over-relying on the government, we’re organizing the generosity and goodness of our neighbors to help one another,” DeSantis told the Wall Street Journal.

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and Casey DeSantis announced another round of grants to Hope Florida and touted its success in changing lives.

They gave $20,000 in grants funded by private donations to charities in the Florida panhandle including St. Andrew Christian Care Center, Food for Thought Outreach, and A Bed 4 Me Foundation.

First Baptist Church of Pensacola was given $20,000 and recognized as one of the active churches in the program.

Florida Hope is breaking the cycle of government dependency

The Florida Governor pointed out that almost 30,000 people whom Florida Hope has helped had cut back or “completely eliminated” their need for government aid.

“What Hope Florida basically is premised on is, government is not the solution to society problems,” DeSantis said. “Particularly when you talk about people that need means-tested welfare.”

“To just simply get checks from the government, that does not lift people up, that does not open the horizons,” DeSantis continued. “What that typically does is that creates incentives that develop a culture of dependency on those systems.”

DeSantis noted that 100,000 Floridians have received assistance through the program.

“Hope Florida is leading tens of thousands of Floridians off of government reliance and into prosperity and self-sufficiency,” DeSantis explained. “As a result of the program, we are saving taxpayers millions of dollars – nearly $800 million over the next decade.”

Casey DeSantis said that Hope Florida was helping get ahead of problems in a way the government could not.

“A lot of times the outcomes aren’t as good and we’re spending more money and it’s not good for the individual,” DeSantis said. “But now, we’re getting in front of it.”

Hope Florida has shown tremendous results in helping people get back on their feet with 73% of participants finding a job and 62% in need of stable housing finding it.

Federal and state governments have spent trillions and trillions of dollars on welfare programs since the advent of President Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society in the 1960s.

But there is little in the way of results after having spent a fortune on government handouts.

That’s left many asking if Hope Florida could be the blueprint to begin replacing the wasteful and ineffective welfare system.

DeSantis Daily will keep you up-to-date on any new developments in this ongoing story.

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