Ron DeSantis dropped one big hint about going to war with George Soros

Jun 20, 2024

Ron DeSantis has fought some of the biggest forces on the Left.

Now he could be ready for another epic battle. 

And Ron DeSantis dropped one big hint about going to war with George Soros.

Ron DeSantis getting involved with the 2024 Election in Florida

The 2024 Election is not shaping up to be much of a contest at the top of the ticket in Florida.

Polling shows that former President Donald Trump should win comfortably against President Joe Biden this November.

The biggest political contests in Florida this year will be ballot measures pushed by Democrats.

Voters in the state will decide if they want to enshrine abortion on demand until the moment of birth into the Florida Constitution.

Another measure legalizing recreational marijuana in the state is on the ballot for voters to decide.

Both measures require 60% of the vote to pass.

Democrats are putting all their money and manpower in Florida into getting those measures passed.

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis launched a political committee, the Florida Freedom Fund, to get involved in the election this year.

“As Governor Ron DeSantis continues to lead our great state, the Florida Freedom Fund will champion issues and candidates committed to preserving Floridians’ freedom,” DeSantis spokesperson Taryn Fenske said. “From up and down ballot races to critical amendments, we’re steadfast in our mission to keep Florida free.”

The committee’s main focus is expected to be the ballot measures on abortion and marijuana.

But it is also going to wade into school board races.

DeSantis suggested that he has got his eyes on prosecutor races this year.

Ron DeSantis says he is getting involved in beating Soros-backed prosecutors

Globalist billionaire George Soros has spent millions electing soft-on-crime district attorneys all around the country.

In Florida, two of his prosecutors were suspended and replaced by DeSantis after refusing to follow the law.

Soros-backed state attorney Andrew Warren is running for his old job in the Tampa area after getting suspended by the Florida Governor in 2022.

DeSantis appointed Suzy Lopez as State Attorney in Hillsborough County to replace him and she is running for re-election this year.

“Obviously, I’m gonna be involved,” DeSantis said. “Here in Hillsborough […] You need to elect a prosecutor that is gonna put criminals away and hold them accountable. And you have someone in office now that is doing that. And so, I think that’s an important race.”

In the Orlando area, Soros-backed prosecutor Monique Worrell was suspended and replaced by DeSantis last year.

She is running to become prosecutor again versus the replacement that DeSantis appointed, State Attorney Andrew Brain.

“The same race in Orlando is very important,” DeSantis said.

DeSantis warned that prosecutors who let criminals off with a slap on the wrist ruin it for everyone. 

“The minute a prosecutor goes in and wants to do political agenda and think that they’re somehow doing social justice by releasing criminals – the quality of life goes down,” DeSantis said. “The areas become more dangerous.”

“Those two races are significant,” DeSantis stated.

Ron DeSantis has a chance to deal George Soros’ prosecutor movement a major setback this November.

DeSantis Daily will keep you up-to-date on any new developments in this ongoing story.

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