Ron DeSantis is ready for a fight after he revealed this scary plan by Florida Democrats

Jul 3, 2024

Florida has undergone a major shift to the Right under the leadership of Ron DeSantis.

Now Democrats in the state are ready to claw back power from him. 

And Ron DeSantis is ready for a fight after he revealed this scary plan by Florida Democrats.

Democrats pushing extreme abortion on demand seek constitutional amendment

The biggest political fight in Florida for the 2024 Election does not involve any candidates for office.

Democrats are trying to upend Florida’s pro-life laws with a ballot measure on the ballot this fall that would enshrine abortion on demand until birth into the Florida Constitution.

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis signed a bill that banned abortion after 15 weeks in 2022.

After Roe v. Wade was overturned by the U.S. Supreme Court, he signed a heartbeat bill in 2023 that banned abortion after six weeks.

Florida Democrats have no realistic possibility of regaining control of the Florida Legislature and Governor’s office any time soon.

That is why they are putting abortion on the ballot this year.

And they are trying to fool voters about what the constitutional amendment does by using vague wording in it. 

Democrats know that extreme positions like late-term abortion are a political loser.

Ron DeSantis warns of Florida becoming a destination for abortions

DeSantis spoke to a group of religious leaders about the bill to stress the importance of mobilizing the faith community against it.

He warned that Florida would become an abortion “mecca” if the amendment passed. 

“Because all of the Southeast has various forms of pro-life legislation, Florida would become the abortion mecca of this region, and maybe one of the abortion meccas of the entire world because it would be one of the most liberal abortion regimes,” DeSantis said.

Georgia has a heartbeat law and abortion is banned in Alabama except to save the life of the mother.

“I think this really requires everybody of faith to want to be involved in defeating what they put on this ballot,” DeSantis added.

The constitutional amendment would create one of the most extreme abortion laws in the county.

“This amendment is written maybe more liberal than New York and California, but you would basically have a cottage industry where people would be coming into Florida for this purpose,” DeSantis explained.

He pointed out that the way the amendment’s summary on the ballot was written and the way it has been sold to voters is all poll-tested language designed to appeal to voters.

“So, they do poll testing, they use phrases, and in particular, they want to get people to vote for their amendment who probably substantively disagree with it,” DeSantis stated.

Florida, unlike most states, requires that a proposed constitutional amendment get 60% of the vote to pass.

“One of the things that we have found is that when this is properly understood, it struggles to get 60%,” DeSantis said. “However, the way they wrote the summary, there are people that are pro-life that poll in favor of this because they think it’s a pro-life amendment.”

The amendment allows a woman to get an abortion for any reason and at any point in pregnancy if a “medical provider” deems it necessary.

“You could have somebody who is a chiropractor, could say ‘yeah, they need to go’ and then you could go right there,” DeSantis said.

Pro-abortion forces in Florida are relying on deception to try and get their constitutional amendment passed. 

DeSantis Daily will keep you up-to-date on any new developments in this ongoing story.

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