Ron DeSantis just hit the left-wing press with a brutal truth bomb about Bidenflation

Jun 26, 2024

Polls show Donald Trump is leading Joe Biden both nationally and in the critical swing states that will determine the outcome of the election.

The economy and inflation are the top issues for Americans this fall.

And Ron DeSantis just hit the left-wing press with a brutal truth bomb about Bidenflation.

Florida’s largest property insurance provider recently approved recommendations for an average 14% rate hike on personal property owner policies in the Sunshine State.

State regulators are planning to hold a public hearing before they finalize the rates for 2025.

Ron DeSantis discussed the proposed rate hike at a press conference on Wednesday.

And DeSantis put the press on notice that the rate hikes were part of the inflation unleashed on America by Joe Biden’s failed Presidency

“We still have inflation increasing in this country,” DeSantis said. “They say, ‘oh the media, oh my gosh are they trying to spin a tale.’” 

DeSantis said the media is only trying “to help Joe.”  

“They’re trying to say inflation is down so sharply,” he noted. 

He then exposed how the press spins inflation numbers to try and paint a positive image of Biden’s economy.

“If inflation was nine percent a year and a half ago, and now it’s three percent, understand that those old prices haven’t come back to lower prices,” DeSantis said. “It all builds up on top of that,” he continued. “So, if you had nine percent, eight percent, seven percent, that continues to build.” 

He used a recent family trip through a McDonald’s drive-through to highlight the devastating impact of Bidenflation.

“We took our kids through the McDonald’s drive-through,” he said. “We got some happy meals and a couple of other things, and it was like 50-something dollars for everything we got for a family of five and my wife and I didn’t really get that much.”

“You see that in everything you do,” he added. “The number one item that has increased in the last year in our inflationary environment nationwide has been auto insurance.”

On Thursday, Joe Biden parroted his inflation lie on a post on X.

“Core inflation is at its lowest level since April 2021,” Biden wrote. “Grocery prices have fallen, and wages are rising faster than prices.”

Democrats and the media are trying to convince Americans not to believe the Bidenflation that is making it difficult for them to make ends meet.

But Americans see the devastating impact of inflation every time they make a purchase.

DeSantis Daily will keep you up-to-date on any new developments in this ongoing story.

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