Ron DeSantis pointed out how Joe Biden’s senility is threatening the safety and security of the American people

Jun 20, 2024

It has been over two years since Russia invaded Ukraine in February of 2022.

Joe Biden’s bungling of foreign policy has America on the brink of World War III with Russia.

And Ron DeSantis pointed out how Joe Biden’s senility is threatening the safety and security of the American people.

Joe Biden’s three years in office have been a total disaster for the country.

The spiraling cost of everything from gasoline to groceries has many Americans struggling to make ends meet.

Soros-backed prosecutors have turned Democrat-run cities into crime-ridden nightmares.

The border crisis is worse than any point in recent history, as millions of illegal aliens have entered the country in the past three years.

And innocent children have become the top target of the Left’s woke gender ideology.

But one of Joe Biden’s biggest failures has been in foreign policy.

In August of 2021, just a few months after he became President, Joe Biden’s botched withdrawal from Afghanistan left billions of dollars’ worth of military equipment abandoned in the country and resulted in 13 dead American troops.

No one was ever held responsible for the disastrous withdrawal.

And now Biden’s continued bungling of foreign policy has Americans worried about the real possibility of World War III with Russia.

Last week, President Vladimir Putin sent a fleet of warships to Cuba to conduct military exercises. 

“The naval ships included three vessels accompanied by small boats,” Fox News reported. “The flagship frigate, adorned with the Russian and Cuban flags, was greeted by 21-cannon salutes in Cuba’s Havana Harbor,” Fox News continued. “Sailors in dress uniform stood in military formation as they approached the island.”

A nuclear powered submarine arrived not long after the warships.

Since Cuba is only 100 miles from Florida’s coast, many saw the warships as a threat to the United States.

On Friday, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis spoke out about Russian ships in Cuba.

“I’m the governor of Florida, I’m not the commander-in-chief, but if my responsibilities were different, that would not be something that we would allow to be happening,” DeSantis said. “I think it’s really concerning that under this administration, they’ve put out a posture of weakness that has invited more aggressive actions from our adversaries.”

He pointed out the scary truth about how “the amount of activity among hostile nations in our own hemisphere is probably at a level that we have not seen in many, many years.” 

DeSantis placed the blame directly at the feet of Joe Biden.

“We’re failing as a country with the deterrent capability, and I think it starts at the top with the president of the United States,” DeSantis said. “I think that history has shown that these bad actors, they respond to strength, and they’re deterred by strength.” 

“They are not going to be deterred by weakness,” he added. “They are not going to be deterred by confusion.”

He also took a swipe at Biden’s senility.

“They’re not going to be deterred by a president wandering around aimlessly at the G7,” he said in reference to the viral videos of Joe Biden wandering around confused at the G7.

DeSantis Daily will keep you up-to-date on any new developments in this ongoing story.

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