Ron DeSantis slashed taxpayer-funded Medicaid payments to illegal aliens by 50% with one simple question

Jun 28, 2024

Joe Biden opened the border up to millions of illegal aliens.

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is doing everything he can to protect his state from Biden’s border crisis.

And Ron DeSantis slashed taxpayer-funded Medicaid payments to illegal aliens by 50% with one simple question.

Joe Biden’s Presidency has been a disaster on all fronts.

But polls show the border crisis is one of the top issues facing voters this fall.

More than eight million illegal aliens have entered the country since Joe Biden took office in January of 2021.

The situation is so bad that even some Democrat leaders in towns and cities across the country have started complaining about the economic toll it is taking on their communities.

With the situation growing worse by the day, red state Governors like Florida’s Ron DeSantis have taken action to protect their states from Biden’s border crisis.

DeSantis signed a bill into law that cracked down on illegal immigration by enhancing penalties against human smugglers, mandating certain employers use E-Verify, and invalidating out of state drivers licenses given to illegal aliens.

“We’ve used every tool at our disposal to protect Floridians from the Biden open border policies,” DeSantis said on Monday.

Attorney General Ashely Moody has also filed lawsuits against the Biden administration for refusing to enforce our nation’s immigration laws.

But one simple move DeSantis made has cut taxpayer-funded Medicaid payments to illegal immigrants by 50%.

DeSantis signed a bill into law last year that ordered hospitals that accept Medicaid to ask patients about their immigration status when they seek treatment.

And this one simple question is working as intended.

“Florida’s Emergency Medical Assistance program for undocumented immigrants has seen a 54 percent drop in expenditures billed to Medicaid this year — with less than two months remaining in the fiscal year — since the state immigration law took effect,” POLITICO reported. “Data provided to POLITICO by the Florida Agency for Health Care Administration and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services show $148.4 million in state and federal Medicaid dollars went toward emergency coverage for immigrants in Florida in the year before the state’s new immigration law took effect,” POLITICO continued. “As of May 3, $67 million has gone toward emergency coverage this year.” 

The left-wing press reacted with surprise to the news.

But DeSantis communications director Bryan Griffin pointed out that the decrease is plain “common sense.”

“COMMON SENSE: By requiring hospitals to ask patients about their immigration status, Florida has cut taxpayer-funded Medicaid payments to illegal immigrants by 50%,” he wrote on X.

Joe Biden’s open borders agenda is destroying the country.

And Ron DeSantis is working hard to save Florida from Biden’s border crisis.

DeSantis Daily will keep you up-to-date on any new developments in this ongoing story.

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