Ron DeSantis unexpectedly earned the praise of radical environmentalist groups with this decision

Jul 1, 2024

Ron DeSantis is a staunch opponent of Joe Biden’s radical climate change agenda.

But this does not mean DeSantis is opposed to protecting and preserving the environment for future generations to enjoy.

And Ron DeSantis unexpectedly earned the praise of radical environmentalist groups with this decision.

“I’m ripping it up and throwing it in the trash can where it belongs.”

That is what Ron DeSantis promised to do to Joe Biden’s radical climate change agenda in Florida.

Of course, Joe Biden and the Democrats use climate change as an excuse to gain more control over the American people.

DeSantis made good on his promise when he removed a phrase in Florida’s energy policy that instructed state agencies to deal with “the potential of global climate change.”

He also banned “green” infrastructure from expanding in Florida and repealed programs that require state agencies to use so-called climate friendly products and purchase electric vehicles.

This made DeSantis a top enemy of the radical environmentalists on the Left.

But even though he opposes Biden’s climate change agenda, Ron DeSantis is a staunch supporter of protecting and preserving the environment.

And as part of a new conservation effort in Florida, DeSantis signed a bill on Monday that bans people from intentionally releasing balloons into the air.

“Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis signed a bill on Monday banning the ‘intentional release’ of balloons in the state,” MSN reported. “Lawmakers drafted the legislation to minimize the number of balloons floating over the coast and washing up on the state’s beaches.”

State Representative Linda Chaney (R) sponsored the bill in the legislature.

“Our beaches are the greatest asset that Florida has, and not releasing a balloon is an easy way to protect our waterways and our wildlife,” Chaney said. “A released balloon is damaging and there’s nothing good about it.”

Even the radical environmentalist groups praised the move by DeSantis to ban releasing balloons into the air.

“If you are a lover of Florida’s beaches and our oceans and you dislike plastic pollution, today is a really great day,” field campaigns manager for Oceana, Hunter Miller, told reporters.

Valentina Miele of the Florida Oceanographic Society said that “the problem is that marine life like turtles and even manatees will end up eating these and they can die from these.”

The radical environmentalist group Sierra Club also supported the ban.

Unlike the radical Left, Ron DeSantis actually cares about protecting the environment. 

And his actions as Governor prove it.

DeSantis Daily will keep you up-to-date on any new developments in this ongoing story.

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